Chiropractic Sports Rehab Manual Therapy Contact Info

    Scheduling: (858) 675-0007

    Fax: (858) 284-3646

    Business Hours
    Mon-Thurs: 8am-1pm/3pm-6pm
    Friday: 8am-1pm
    Saturday: 9am-12pm
    Sunday we are closed

    Office Location:
    16766 Bernardo Center Dr #112
    San Diego, CA 92128

    BCE Org.


    Good to know...

    High velocity low amplitude (HVLA) thrust specifically put into a joint to create a cavitation of air in the joint to improve range of motion and reduce pain.

    30 minutes of 1-on-1 time with the practitioner going over exercises that improve flexibility and strength of the body. A home exercise program will be emailed to you following the appointment which will have videos, descriptions, sets, reps, and frequency of each exercise.

    Adjustments (cracking) are just a tool in the toolbox that a Chiropractor can use, we can also doing various manual therapy and exercises to improve pain and address the area of concern.

    Chiropractors can treat all the joints in the body. Dr. Grant specializes in extremity rehab in addition to being an expert on the spine, whether it be a cranky shoulder, ankle sprain, or knee pain a Chiropractor can address the area of concern.

    Chiropractic Sports Rehab Manual Therapy Contact Info